Powering the SuperSting with Batteries-Important Details

Powering the SuperSting with Batteries: Important Details

The SuperSting systems need a 12V battery that is ISOLATED which means nothing else is connected to it.  Raising the batteries off the ground onto wood or plastic as shown prevents any possible electrical leakage into the ground.  The SuperSting uses the batteries as a reference, so they should be a clean source of power.  This is especially the case in Marine Surveys.  Connection of other devices, such as depth transponders, will result in poor data quality and numerous missed readings.


Marine deep cycle batteries with ~50-100Ah capacity are best.  A second batttery can connect to the boost connection to allow the full 200W maximum output.  Boost mode is used anytime contact resistance is below ~1800 ohms.   One battery will power on the instrument in Main mode (100W maximum output).  Charging these batteries requires a deep cycle type charger with at least 6A output.  Using a lower cost trickle charger (<2A output) will result in incomplete overnight charges and low battery after 1 or 2 days in the field.


NEVER attach both the SuperSting Main and Boost power cables to the same battery!  This will short the power clips and can damage the cables and SuperSting.   


NEVER attach the SuperSting to a battery inside a vehicle !  This can damage the instrument because the alternator produces power surges.  This power connection type Voids the Warranty and will cause  noise and stress the instrument.  Off the shelf 12V power invertors can also damage the instrument and produce noise because they do not have the proper design for the SuperSting.

Main battery isolated from earth on rubber surface

Main and Boost AC Power Supplies with gas generator

AGI manufactures optional generator type power supplies with the proper specifications for the main and boost power so that you can run on a small gas powered generators(900W) using 120/220V AC power.  The generator is not grounded.  Never attach these power supplies to AC power in a building as this will cause a ground loop and potentially cause damage.