How To Test For Underground Voids (Using Electrical Resistivity Imaging)

How to test for voids using Electrical Resistivity Imaging

In our previous article, The 7 Most Common Signs of Sinkholes, we went over some visual cues to spot sinkholes before total collapse. Now, let’s get a little more hands-on and show you how you can actually test for sinkholes before they occur.


The 7 Most Common Signs of Sinkholes

AGI Blog The 7 Most Common Signs of Sinkholes

Odds are you’ve probably seen a sinkhole before. If not in person, then on the news—as they tend to make for pretty sensational stories. It’s an exciting, albeit dangerous, natural geological phenomena that happens a lot. The aftermath is hard to miss once it occurs, but there are ways to spot a sinkhole beforehand. In this article, we’re helping you spot the 7 most common signs of sinkholes before they occur. Use these indicators when scoping out the safety of your property—it could help save a lot of risk and money!